
Reading list Week03-04-2016

1. Kuroda warns Japan’s supply chains shaken by quakes
2.The Financial Threats That Machines Can See
3.How Not to Fall into Optimization Traps?
4. Python RDMA ideal for HPC computing in HFT environment?
6.Chinese-Led Group to Buy Iconic Australian Cattle Rancher
7. Intel to Cut 12,000 Jobs, Forecast Misses Amid PC Blight
8.China Gold Bullion Yuan Trading Opens…Gold & Silver Promptly Go Vertical
9. Oil prices drop as Kuwait strike ends
10.Using Tweets to Predict the Stock Market
11.Introduction To Value at Risk (VAR)
12.Murdering My To-Do List With GTD + OmniFocus
13.Microsoft’s stock plunge wipes out over $30 billion in market value
14.Make No Mistake: Puerto Rico Will Default on May 2, Moody's Says
15.Investors pull $15bn from hedge funds
16.Wall Street's Oil Crash, a Story Told in Charts
17. Revenge of the nerds
18.Is George Soros right about the coming crash in China?
19. 11 daily habits of self-made billionaires anyone can adopt
20.Is George Soros, 85, Looking For A Fight With China?
21.The $2 Trillion Project to Get Saudi Arabia’s Economy Off Oil
22.Soros Says China's Economy Looks Like the U.S. Before the Crisis
23.The best books on trading and investment
24.A Poor Man's Magic Formula
25.Dynamically Hedging Oil and Currency Futures
26.Difference between Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling
27.IBM’s stock tumble shaves 60 points off the Dow
28.Is there any hedge fund using Machine learning based algorithms for trading?
29.Zero Rates, Zero Success in Japan
30.When Can Social Media Lead Financial Markets?

31. "WHY" Investors Versus The "WHAT" Investors
32.16 business books that will change your life forever, according to my coworkers